

Chocotherapy combines the benefits of therapeutic massage with the beneficial ingredients of chocolate.

Chocolate helps detoxify your body, both internally and externally. Its aroma releases endorphins that cause joy and the feeling of wellness (without the calories)!

Chocolate is a food with high caffeine content. Caffeine has the capacity to stimulate the blood circulation, allowing it to be renewed and thus, cure the skin. The antioxidants it contains, improve your skin’s texture, making you feel tight and smooth. They also help cells build collagen and elastin and therefore, prevent damage caused by free radicals, the “culprits” for skin aging and loss of elasticity.

In addition, due to the increased amount of caffeine, chocolate therapy is particularly useful for combating cellulite.

You are advised to try the experience of Chocotherapy from our experienced therapists.

Therapists who provide it: